Our services.


I need someone for compliance.

Do you need help with your Federal or SC State Ethics Reports? Ethics Reports are due quarterly, however, based on when you are running, due dates may change. It is very important that all your finances are in order when running for office. We are here to help with budgeting, account tracking, Ethics Reports, and more.

I'm thinking about running for office and want to pick your brain.

Not sure if you want to run for office? Do you just want to pick our brains and talk about the possibilities? Are you thinking about running for office but have no idea where to start? Are you still trying to figure out what office to run for? Well, we can help. At JGS Strategies, we can help walk you through the different offices you are interested in and develop an initial plan.


I just need a website and social media accounts.

Have you started your campaign and are just in need of a website, social media accounts, and/or website/social media maintenance? As a candidate, your job is to run for office not run the website or social media pages. Let our team take care of those needs.

Running for office at the local office, state House, or Senate?

Running for school board? County Council? City Council? Mayor? Coroner? Are you running for the SC House of Representatives? Or SC Senate? We are here to help. The House is up every 2 years across the state and the Senate is up every 4 years. Let us help your campaign by making an individualized plan for your needs.


Running for South Carolina statewide office or Federal Office

Are you looking at running for statewide office such as Governor, Attorney General, Secretary of State, etc.? Looking at Congress or US Senate? We are here to help you build a statewide or Congressional action plan that will lead you to the path of victory. Running as a statewide or Congressional candidate is different from at the local office level. It takes planning and hard work to get the win.